Buried Alive with Hooks
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Anzol buried alive with hooks in his knees
12 november 2020
How did you know about burying alive?
I don't remember exactly, probably from the networks or some articles about self-knowledge ...
How many suspensions on hooks/ burying alive you did before?
I was buried alive 1 time before, so it was my second. Stayed inside for 15 minutes, it was not impressed
It was also my 35th suspension on hooks.
What thoughts was inside your mind during the process?
I'm crazy, but this is fucking awesome, I'm second in the world...
First ever hook-suspension from the grave!
12 november 2020
Psyland25, july 2018.
AntiShanti at Psyland25 fromAnti Shanti on Vimeo.
Marc is the first person in the world who did hook-suspension during burying alive! Here is his interview:
interview with Marc Little Swastika from Anti Shanti on Vimeo...