about me
Hi! My name is Sasha Shanti, I am body suspension artist.
Suspension on hooks
I started to practice hooks suspension in 2009. The most popular pose - «suicide» (2-4 hooks in the back), then lotus, supermen, coma, knees, chest... Unpopular poses are rocking horse, winged monkey, splits… Also look at ASStronaut suspension, that;s always funny! My favorite pose is — 1pt suicide and elbows.
Why ppl hang on hooks? Because it works :...
Free Fall Suspension. WTF?
#freefall suspension — jump with hooks in the skin from high object.
First in that was Moscow suspension team «SINNER team».
Everything started from small solo amplitude jumps in 2010.
If you wanna learn more — here is docu from 2011:
In 2020 situation changes a lot, and here is the craziest docu about 2-way and tandem jumps from 250m high rock:
STILL FALLING FOR YOU '20 (full movie...
Andrey Efremov - crazy guy from Siberia about jumps on nails, ripped skin and jumps in the cold water
How long you making jumps with hooks? Did you jump with hooks?
I started in summer 2015. I jumped 3 times (info for 2020). First time in Novosibirsk with Stan Aksenov, and twice with Sasha, both times from 250m mountain. I didnt jump a lot, its not my pleasure, I mostly like to create new kinds of jumps for others.
Tell me how bodysuspension in Novokuznetsk starts? Where did you get hooks/needles?
In 2015 with friend of mine we decided to try bodysuspension...
Anzol buried alive with hooks in his knees
How did you know about burying alive?
I don't remember exactly, probably from the networks or some articles about self-knowledge ...
How many suspensions on hooks/ burying alive you did before?
I was buried alive 1 time before, so it was my second. Stayed inside for 15 minutes, it was not impressed
It was also my 35th suspension on hooks.
What thoughts was inside your mind during the process?
I'm crazy, but this is fucking awesome, I'm second in the world...
First ever hook-suspension from the grave!
Psyland25, july 2018.
AntiShanti at Psyland25 fromAnti Shanti on Vimeo.
Marc is the first person in the world who did hook-suspension during burying alive! Here is his interview:
interview with Marc Little Swastika from Anti Shanti on Vimeo...
Suicide bodysuspension
Sergei Chernenko pierced his knees by hinself :))) But he can't hang for a long time in a «shrimp» pose, so after «cut down» he hang in the usual suicide pose with 2 hooks in his back)
And here we go with the traditional interview! :)
How did you know about the suspension?
At the age of 16 I saw unusual people, they had colored hair, huge holes in the ears and tattooes on the body. Later I saw a ritual of suspension in one of the videos on YouTube...
Last day of the summer
With Mike Amanita we crossed many times at conventions, but we not communicated a lot. Especially valuable is the experience that we thanks to each other received, seeing off the summer on the Gulf of Finland)))
The weather was sunny and windy.
Not so much photos, but you can look the video
Here you have a traditional interview from Mike) Enjoy the emotions!
How long did you think about the procedure...
2 points Knee suspension
With the onset of cold weather is not possible to make outdoor suspensions in Russia, but we never give up! You have a great opportunity to test yourself in a cozy studio in the center of St. Petersburg) Standing on nails, plague light, herbal teas, Hangers on ropes and hooks — not a complete list of how to spend a windy St.Petersburg evening))) Here's an interview from the first client of the studio, Sasha))...
Why people hanging on the hooks?
The question «why people hang on hooks» is really popular. What can I say, I asked myself too!
There are many variants of the answer.
History of the ritual
On the one hand, suspension on hooks is known in many cultures, ranging from Hindu worship to the god Murugan and ending with the traditions of some tribes of North American Indians. Regardless of the culture in which people subjected themselves to suspension on the skin, this is due to a certain test, rite...
Tonsai is gone
I arrived at Tonsai 18 December 2015, after two years of absence. Girls from ticket office at Ao Nang remember me- «100bath as always» — smiling, they said. «Welcome back!» — They said. I sat and waited for the boat. I was thinking about everything that happened to me in this mystical place. I could not understand my own feelings. Put my backpack in the longtail (the name of the boat...